Maha Clinic
Maha is a clinic for modern integrative medicine and dentistry. Integrative medicine and dentistry are simply new pages in medicine. In their opinion, they could be called the new era of medicine. It is the integration of many healing methods, including Western medicine, into an effective or functional approach that provides truly individualized diagnostics and treatments. The modern diagnostics and therapies will help you either maintain your healthspan, restore it if you have passed it, or improve your well-being if you have fallen too far into the diseasespan. That would mean you would be able to stop using medical pills; after all, we all have some diseases after the age of 50.

The package design is without extra elements. We want to be as medical as possible, assuring the user that this will help them.

Web aesthetics follow the brand identity with a special note to the structure of the website – the structure of content and structure of layout that gives the reader confidence to make a stop towards their health.