Imagine your inbox where you can chat about emails. Imagine your inbox where sharing your thoughts and ideas is one click away. Imagine your inbox where people you love and work with are close.

Loop: email, as it should be (magical, simple, open) Loop, is about you and the people you are connected to. Open your inbox and see people not just a bunch of emails. See people and their emails, your chats with people and the files that you share with people. All your shared projects and shared stories, all together in one place. In the Loop.

Loop: where magic meets email (no clutter, no lost stuff, no noise…). Loop is a world where your email doesn’t disappear in to a big black hole. No more getting lost tracking conversations, no more getting lost in exchanging files, no more getting lost in ridiculous never-ending email conversations. A world where working as a team and making team decisions is simple.

Loop: where everyone is one loop away (chatting, sharing, responding…).In the Loop, you work with the people that you need to work and talk with to get the job done. Get involved, get it done, Loop in. Loop: where everything comes together (people,. chat, files) In the Loop you work with the people that you need to work and talk with to get the job done. Get involved, get it done, Loop in. Loop: where your company meets its people, partners…. (creating an open world). Within your company or with your clients, buyers, partners and suppliers. Loop gives everybody the information they need when they need it with less clicks and no fuss. Loop helps you build a more open business.

Loop: for people looping in other people Loop is the most simple way of controlling the flow of information and providing a space where you can work together. Space where we can all belong, in the Loop. We build Loop for these people. For you. It’s about you, us and everybody else. It’s a new world where we are all able to come together, work together, chat and share. Being in the Loop is a new way to connect and be connected.