These topics are an ongoing exploration of short, one-minute essays, and monologues about design and things connected to it. They are far from perfect. The idea is to improve and constantly update even the written one; since I am not a writer, I hope they will have to mature with age.
The highest award for a designer: finished work, payment, and client bragging
The highest award for a designer: finished work, payment, and client bragging
What are you buying with a designer?
Every designer has a special superpower: a feeling. Our feeling about branding and visual direction and the only way to get it is through experience.
Should designers code?
Yes, of course, you should seek it, but we should also focus on everything that helps us become better..
We always see ourselves a littl e better before we look in the mirror.
Fun fact that goes with singing in the shower and playing some air guitar. But lets transform that phrase into branding. When was the last time you looked with your brand in the mirror?
Sometimes we all need a little push
To start something is always hard. Whether you have experience or if this is something new, it takes a lot of effort, strength, courage, and money.
Side projects
Our work is not easy. You need to stay excited all the time, and that is impossible. You need to find something that drives you—things that blow out some steam.
Black and white
The combination is so basic that I don't consider it a color. It is more of a structural element or a form.
What is a good design
I am sure we have all read a few definitions of good design; they all sound perfect and motivational, don't they? Some of them are really good.
Is it sexy?
The design is more than beauty; this is what I use when I describe good branding that is easier to understand and has everything I want to say in it.
It is not ok to fail
It is not okay to fail; it never was and never will be. As simple as that. I am not saying you should not try, but rethink twice before you do.
12 Proverbs
Funny how old wisdom always rings true. Proverbs are sacred; just think how long it took them to be still valid. Even if we choose to violate them, we painfully feel their meaning on our skin.
A healthy brand
By now, sustainability has become an annoying buzzword, and even big brands have started to abuse it in their advertising. Nothing new—advertising and corporate communication will always pick up buzzwords for their claims - just remember eco back in 2005.
I take it personally
Sometimes I get involved in a branding project where I accidentally bump into people who think halfway there is a good start.
We must act responsibly towards the solutions we create. It does not matter what field you are working on. Every time we create a message, it creates an impact.
Team 2 team
Business design is shifting from human 2 human to team 2 team; this is becoming more and more important; team spirit produces more results than any individual effort. B2B
Good design is for good clients
We have had this signature for a long time. And it is still valid. Perhaps the only thing that changed is that we can change the client's term to friends.
Are we artists or designers?
One of the longest debates out there. Are designers artists? Well, no, we are not. Let me explain from a different perspective why not.
I’ve seen inspiration exploding to space
Isn't it funny when you scroll to the end of the internet, go through all your old books, open a few old files, do walks around the city, around your favorite wood trail, and even go to the bookstore a few times to get that little inspiration that would help you do a project?
Everything beautiful is analog
We can't avoid digital; it is everywhere, and not all is bad, of course, but we are focused on it way too much, staring at our phones, for instance. Just think that everything beautiful that has ever happened to you was analog.
Lecture Barcelona ADC*E
I was selected by the Art Directors Club of Europe, among 10 celebrated creatives of Europe, to give a lecture at Europe's 1st European Creativity Festival in Barcelona.
Radio prvi
Gost nedeljskega Nočnega obiska bo Gregor Žakelj, eden najbolj uspešnih in največkrat, tudi mednarodno nagrajenih oblikovalcev v Sloveniji.
Intervju – zo
Sem oblikovalec. Sliši se preprosto in razumljivo, vendar je bila pot do tega naziva precej dolga. Kljub vsem nazivom, ki mi jih pripisujejo: kreativni direktor, art direktor, grafični oblikovalec, ilustrator, mentor … mi je ta beseda trenutno najbližja.
Zakulisje podcast
Povabljen sem bil v zanimv podcast Zakulisje. Pogovarjali smo se o pomenu blagovne znamke, kako in kdaj začeti razmišljati o njej.
Lecture, Tromsø
A few years ago, I went on a wonderful trip up to Tromsø (Norway), where I was invited to speak at the Design vs Music event organized by the Tank Design and Insomnia festivals.
Intervju Jana, 2017
Žakelj, ki med drugim dela za naročnike iz tujine, govori tudi o odgovornosti. O odgovornosti do naročnika in o širši družbeni odgovornosti.
Intervju MMmojstri
Gregor Žakelj je umetniški direktor v oblikovalskem studiu VBG, ki je bil tretja najuspešnejša agencija na letošnjem SOF-u.